Where to find mr pokemon in soul silver
This was done to prevent a similar take over that happen in Johto. Go to the underground and go to the place where you get a picture taken with the uniform on. There a female Team Rocket person will be there and think you are the new guy. Then you get the uniform and go to the radio tower. Hope I helped! First, it will be found in the north of Cianwood City. You can use the Escape Rope to leave quickly. With Sprout Tower complete, you may now challenge the Gym.
Violet City's Gym, which specializes in Flying-type Pokemon, is the game's first Gym and, as such, it's very straightforward: take the elevator up and walk up to Falkner. You can use the side paths to get around his Junior Trainers, but they only have, respectively, a Spearow and two Pidgey, so you might as well net the easy experience points.
When you're ready, challenge Falkner. Falkner's Pokemon have received a level boost since Gold and Silver, but his amazingly pathetic team of Pidgey and Pidgeotto has not changed.
His Pidgey is basically a joke, as it knows no damaging attacks other than Tackle, and you should have no trouble taking it out, even with your Grass- or Bug-type Pokemon. The real challenge here is Pidgeotto, who knows Gust and Tackle and can heal itself with Roost. It's important to note that you can acquire Mareep before fighting Falkner in HGSS; you can go ahead to Route 32 and catch one in the grass just before that man who doesn't let you progress.
If you traded for Onix or caught a Geodude, both of these Pokemon resist all of Falkner's attacks and learn Rock Throw fairly early: level 9 and 11, respectively. Falkner is easy enough that, if your levels are good, your starter should have no trouble against him. Even if you chose Chikorita, you can use Synthesis to heal off Gusts and take advantage of Pidgeotto's Roost to hit Falkner for neutral damage with Razor Leaf.
After you leave the Gym, Professor Elm will call and ask you to speak to his aide. The assistant will ask you to take the Mystery Egg that you delivered to Elm earlier; after about 2, steps with the Egg in your party, it will hatch into a Togepi that knows Extrasensory.
When you leave the Mart, you'll have the first of five encounters with a Kimono Girl, five sisters from Ecruteak City who perform Japanese theater. She'll note your strength and you can follow her to reach Route 32, taking the Yellow Apricorn from the tree on the way. Hello Guest. Log In. Quick Links:. Search the Psydex. Search psypokes. Search WWW.
OmegaRuby AlphaSapphire. Black White Black2 White2. HeartGold SoulSilver. Diamond Pearl Platinum. FireRed LeafGreen. Ruby Sapphire Emerald. Gold Silver Crystal. Red Blue Yellow. Other Games. Platinum Walkthrough. Search the Psydex Search psypokes. Chikorita, Bayleef and Meganium Chikorita is a pure Grass-type Pokemon and its final form, Meganium, has the best Special Defense of the three Starters and is the sturdiest of the three overall, although its offensive stats are only decent.
Chikorita is recommended for players who want a challenge because many Johto Gym Leaders and major characters have type advantages against Grass-types. Beginning players should choose Cyndaquil because a Fire-type has advantages against many Johto Gym Leaders and only a few disadvantages.
It has a good Physical movepool and is the middle-of-the-road choice of the three because Water-types are very common in the Wild, yet you'll also need at least one to progress through the game. Pidgey Lv 2 - 4. Sentret Lv 2 - 3. Sentret Lv 2 - 4. Rattata Lv 4. Rattata Lv 2.
Rattata Lv 2 - 4. Hoothoot Lv 2 - 4. Pidgey Lv 4. Pidgey Lv 3 - 4. Caterpie Lv 3 - 4. Get the apricorn and then go inside. It's Mr. Professor Oak is there, too, and he gives you a Mystery Egg. Oak will give you his phone number, and then you can go outside. Professor Elm will say that something bad happened, and asks you to come to his lab.
So do that! Thonky Guides Play Utilities News. Mortar How does the Love Ball Work? User Info: herona. Accepted Answer. Route 30 north of cherrygrove city User Info: nikfoe Top Voted Answer.
Other Answers. North of Cherrygrove City, stick to the right of the map until you reach the 2nd house in woods. User Info: Nate