Can you lose gynecomastia without surgery
This forces insulin levels to spike in response to so much sugar. If your eating and lifestyle habits force insulin to continually spike and stream through your blood, you will develop insulin resistance. Your body stops responding to insulin the way it should, and your blood sugar levels creep high and higher, forcing your pancreas to pump even more insulin into your blood.
In addition to processing sugar from your blood, insulin is the primary regulator of fat metabolism in your body. If your muscles, liver, and other cells are already equipped with enough glucose, insulin instructs all remaining sugars to be converted into dangerous fatty sugars called triglycerides.
Insulin block lipolysis — the breakdown of fats into ketones. So, instead of breaking fat stores into usable energy without insulin being present , the fat will simply accumulate.
Insulin both blocks the breakdown of fat and creates new fat. Through this vicious cycle, insulin resistance is one of the main — yet rarely recognized — causes of gynecomastia.
If you have man boobs, but your weight and eating habits are both healthy, your gynecomastia condition could be the result of an unfortunate ge netic predisposition. Even worse, if a genetic predisposition for man boobs combines with insulin resistance and weight gain, the result will be significant gynecomastia. The internet makes it so easy to spread misinformation that most men have been taught to believe myths and incorrect science regarding gynecomastia.
There are two myths in particular that we need to bust. The exact role of estrogen in the development of gynecomastia is often misrepresented. This issue of correlation vs. Men produce estrogen in two ways. First, an excess of testosterone can trigger the production of excess estrogen. Second, excess fat tissue can produce estrogen. This indicates that the only logical source of estrogen comes from existing fatty tissues.
So what does all of this mean? High levels of estrogen in men are most likely a byproduct of insulin resistance and excess fat mass, both of which cause of moobs.
Based on the science explained above, it makes sense that a low-estrogen diet would also fail to get rid of moobs. The idea of a low-estrogen diet may be helpful for other conditions , but simply eating cruciferous vegetables and avoiding soy will not eliminate gynecomastia. Changing your eating habits can only reduce the appearance of man boobs with a strategic dietary attack on insulin resistance. Strategic diet and exercise changes have the power to address the root cause of gynecomastia and help you sculpt a chest you want to show on the beach.
Considering the role of insulin resistance in the formation of your moobs, taking steps to reverse your insulin resistance should be your first priority. Fat tissue is the major tissue where testosterone is converted into estrogen by the enzyme aromatase. About 85 percent of the estrogen in the body of a person with a penis comes from the activity of this enzyme. Health conditions that cause changes to testosterone and estrogen levels can potentially lead to the development of excess breast tissue.
Some of these conditions include:. About 20 percent of cases of gynecomastia are caused by drugs or medications. Some drugs have estrogen-like properties, increase estrogen production, or supply your body with substances like testosterone that can be transformed into estrogen. Other types of drugs lead to the development of gynecomastia for unknown reasons. Some lifestyle habits can contribute to increased body fat. People who are overweight can often have more fat throughout the body, including around their chest, than people who are not overweight.
Increased body fat can also contribute to lower testosterone levels by increasing aromatase activity. Eating an overall balanced diet can help you make sure your body has all the nutrients it has to maximize its testosterone production and help you lower your body fat percentage. Nutrients that are particularly important for the production of testosterone include protein, vitamin D , and zinc.
Just a few potential testosterone-boosting foods include egg yolks, oysters, and tuna. Some foods produce chemicals called phytoestrogens that mimic estrogen in the body. More research is needed to fully understand the effects of these chemicals in your body, but minimizing your consumption of foods that contain phytoestrogens may help improve your testosterone to estrogen ratio.
Soy, legumes, and licorice root are three common sources of phytoestrogen. Including more aerobic exercise in your workout program can help you lower your overall body fat percentage. Pushups are a great equipment-free exercise you can do to build muscle in your chest.
You can increase your reps, sets, or add weight to make them more difficult over time. Each patient underwent a full clinical assessment with an endocrinological evaluation comprising blood tests and measurements of estradiol and testosterone levels, according to our Institutional protocol.
Patients with a hormonal component were excluded. An ultrasound study was performed preoperatively to evaluate the morphology of the breast and the composition ratio between fat and glandular tissue.
Patients were evaluated in the supine position to assess the perimeter and extent of the mammary glands. Markings were made with patients in the upright position, enabling a better evaluation of the amount and limits of tissue to be removed. The breast area was marked, after evaluation with the pinch test, along with a surrounding area of 4—5 cm where we performed liposculpture. Surgery was performed under local anesthesia with sedation and the patient was placed with both arms at the sides.
We used a solution of local anesthesia with , epinephrine. Furthermore, this maneuver enabled an intraoperative evaluation of nipple retraction by pulling the flap toward the incision, reducing the likelihood of overzealous tissue removal, which may produce an unpleasant flatness and concavity of the thorax.
Through the small incision, blunt dissection was performed in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, describing two half-circles.
The breast tissue was pulled out, held with a Kocher clamp, and the gland was transected along its length. E Two or more pieces were removed with forceps in a half-circle fashion.
Through the small incision, sharp dissection was performed in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, describing two half-circles. Then, breast tissue was pulled out and held with a Kocher clamp, and the dissection was performed with blunt scissors.
The gland was transected along its length, and two or more pieces were removed with forceps in a half-circle fashion Fig. The excised breast tissue was sent for histological evaluation. Careful hemostasis of subcutaneous bleeding was performed. Careful sharp dissection is a fundamental aspect of our technique in order to reduce the likelihood of bleeding. Especially in the posterior aspect of the glandular tissue, appropriate dissection can spare the perforating arteries from the pectoralis muscle [ 13 ].
Indeed, at this level, where the perforators directly pierce the fascia, the likelihood of damaging them is accompanied by a higher risk of bleeding.
Following excision, liposculpture of the area was performed in order to obtain better skin redraping and to avoid irregularities. We routinely performed superficial liposuction with 3- to 4-mm cannulas in order to optimize skin redraping.
No drain was required. A pressure dressing was applied until the first follow-up examination. The patients were followed up at 7 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, and 1 year postoperatively. Demographical, clinical, and surgical data were prospectively collected, including age, body mass index BMI , type and grade of gynecomastia, amount of tissue excised, and the complication rate. To the best of our knowledge, there is no validated outcome assessment questionnaire specific for gynecomastia correction and male breast surgery in general [ 14 ].
In a recent study, Ridha et al. The authors changed the gender approach of the questions to make it appropriate for gynecomastia patients. Furthermore, patients are asked to score the satisfaction level for themselves and their partners on a 5-point Likert scale. Following the study of Ridha et al. Surveys were given directly to patients at the 1-year follow-up clinic visit.
From January to January , 15 patients underwent correction of gynecomastia with our technique. Two patients with a hormonal component were excluded from our case series. The average percentage compositions of glandular tissue and adipose tissue were Table 1 presents the characteristics of the patients.
Five cases were grade 1, and 10 were grade 2. The areolar diameter ranged from 3 to 5 cm. The mean operating time was 25 minutes range, 21—40 minutes , and all the procedures were performed by the same operator at a day hospital.
All patients were discharged on the same day of surgery. All patients were very satisfied with the results. The scars were generally well camouflaged in the areola, and there were no deformities Figs. All the questionnaires were correctly completed. A satisfactory chest contour was obtained in all cases, with no abnormalities, skin redundancy, or recurrence at the 1-year follow-up.
Gynecomastia is a common condition that can cause severe emotional and physical distress in young and older men. Patients in whom symptomatic recalcitrant gynecomastia lasts for a long time, and who experience psychological trauma or discomfort in social life, are potential candidates for surgery [ 2 - 4 ]. The goal of surgery is to reduce the breast size, while achieving a normal contour, removing fibrous and painful tissue, and restoring a normal masculine body image, with the smallest possible scar [ 3 ].
Various surgical approaches have been described, but the choice of surgical technique should be always individualized. Even more importantly, this treatment for gynecomastia does nothing to resolve the problem of excess breast tissue.
Even major weight loss will never get rid of glandular tissue. As non-surgical methods are insufficient, gynecomastia surgery has been developed to permanently and fully address this condition. This surgery is highly effective and tends to produce permanent results. Depending on your case, your surgical technique may be one of the following:. Gynecomastia surgery restores a flatter and more masculine chest. Men who undergo male breast reduction surgery may feel more confident in their appearance, have reduced anxiety and embarrassment, and develop a more positive self-image.