When do colds peak
For toddlers or older children, the symptoms may be similar to those in adults. However, they may also experience:. Getting plenty of rest can help the body recover from a cold more quickly. People can also try the following to help their body fight off a cold and relieve the symptoms:. People may also find that inhaling steam from a bowl of water can help clear the sinuses. Adding menthol drops and covering the head with a towel may help make this more effective.
Learn more about effective cold remedies here. People may also find that over-the-counter OTC medications can help relieve symptoms. These medications may include:. Parents and caregivers should always check a medication to ensure that it is suitable for children or infants, and they should always follow the dosage instructions.
A pharmacist may be able to advise on which medication is best for young children. The CDC provide the following advice about cold treatments for children of certain ages:. Most people will be able to relieve the symptoms using home remedies. The body will often be able to fight off a cold by itself within 7—10 days.
However, a person should see their doctor if they have a cold and also experience any of the following:. If a person is experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be a sign of the flu rather than the common cold:. If people at risk of flu complications notice any symptoms of it, they should see their doctor immediately. According to the CDC , at risk groups include:.
A common cold will usually last for around 7—10 days. The first symptom of a cold is usually a sore throat, followed by congestion, sneezing, and coughing. People will usually have low energy levels, and they may have mild aches.
Symptoms usually peak within the first few days before gradually improving. If a person has cold symptoms for longer than 10 days, with no improvement, they should see their doctor.
A person should also see their doctor for any severe or unusual symptoms. Mandal says. Usually, this is due to postnasal drip, which can continue to form while swollen and irritated nasal passages heal, she explains. Symptoms of a sinus infection, which can last anywhere from one to three months or more, can include:. If you suspect allergies or a sinus infection, Dr. Glatt recommends seeing your doctor to get a complete evaluation. It can be difficult to tell these illnesses apart because they share so many traits.
In other words, you could have more than one ailment at the same time, according to the CDC. One clue for distinguishing between them is fever, Mandal notes. In general, CDC experts say, flu symptoms tend to come on suddenly rather than build up gradually as they do with the common cold.
They are also more intense and last longer. And COVID symptoms can include ones not typically seen with a cold or the flu, such as diarrhea and a new loss of taste or smell, according to the CDC. As always, call your medical provider if any symptoms become severe or concerning to you. The bad news? According to research on behalf of the Treat Yourself Better Without Antibiotics campaign, there are around another strains of cold virus, so you can pick up another one that you haven't had yet — and that could happen straight away—so keep the life cycle of a cold in mind, just in case.
If you find yourself googling 'can a cold last three weeks? There are lots of reasons why your cold might be clinging on for longer, including:. Your doctor will able to advise you on the best medications to take for a cold, and check that your illness isn't down to something else. If you feel like your cold gets worse at night, you're not imagining it. A common cold can make it difficult to sleep.
If you're bunged up and congested, prop your head up with a few more pillows. This will help any mucus drain, preventing a build-up in the back of your throat or in your sinuses. The NHS advises that there are ways that you can prevent a cold. These include:.
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