When do harris teeter employees get paid

Related questions: Does Harris teeter hold back a week? Do you get paid weekly? What is starting pay for cashier? How flexible are your working hours at Harris Teeter? Add an answer. Help job seekers learn about the company by being objective and to the point. Your answer will be posted publicly.

When he came into adulthood, he suggested to his father that the company should carry more than just food products and other utensils.

His father liked this idea of his son that he should bring in different and varieties of items for the customers. He not only liked the idea of his instead he immediately implemented it very soon. On the other hand, Teeter also brought in all his family members to work for the company. There were lines of eager shoppers and customers around the new store that were opened by Teeter.

At a Food Dealers meeting, Teeter met Harris and since then the history has changed. The two businessmen decided and made a plan to work together and thought that doing so would increase the financial strengths of the two supermarkets.

Later, the new supermarket chain started growing rapidly in the market. As of , the company has more than 35, employees working and stores opened around the country. Currently, the parent company of Harris Teeter is Kroger. The company opens up a long list of job positions for the local community and the public around the country.

Yes, each job positions they hire have a different department and they require different skills and knowledge or qualification. I knew most of their names, and I used them whenever possible. Pros Great discounts, and free items for employees. They also gave out gift cards for doing your job well, or for customer compliments. Cons Not enough leniency with bathroom breaks, and othe personal need, during a shift. I developed many skills including scheduling, truck unloading, Training and managing 9 associates in dept.

Becoming very dependable, strong skills. I enjoyed being a team player and being very hands on when helping the dept. I've been with the company for almost 9 years. I ultimately decided the money which, as a manager, is competitive was not worth the headache of managing people who didn't really want to work, or met the standard of "Well, at least they show up". It's a bad retail work environment at the moment, and all retail is struggling to get through the day without staffing, so it's all relative.

I have stepped down to a position in which I basically work alone, so I do not have to worry about managing people. In the end, if you're young and driven, this is definitely the company to get on with. Pros Profit sharing. While working at Harris Teeter, I worked at various stores, in different positions. The management was hit or miss, and sometimes corporate will override their own rules in an attempt to please the customer, which just makes life worse for you as an employee.

Pay is not the best, but if you work there long enough, advancements and annual raises are almost a guarantee. Great place to work. Usually same routine day after day but never gets old.

I have learned so much about customer service as well as management responsibilities. My goal has always been to work in an office environment. The hardest part of my job is working on Tuesday nights from 9pm until The most enjoyable part of my job is meeting many different customers everyday as well as having a fantastic work team as well.

Pros Benefits are excellent. Cons none. Salary Research Uncover detailed salary data for specific jobs, employers, schools, and more. By Company. Take our salary survey to see what you should be earning. Get a Demo Price a Job. Get a Demo My Account. United States. Job Listings. Similar Companies. How should I pay? Price a Job. What am I worth? Find market worth. Find out what you should be paid Use our tool to get a personalized report on your market worth. What's this?

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